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The Artist

Well hey there!

My name is Vanessa!

A little about me...

I am 37, a wife, a mother to 3, an animal lover, a Gemini and an artist.  I have been creating art with my photography since I was 14 when my late Stepfather bought me my first camera. I initially only loved to photograph scenery because I could go for a walk or a drive and end up wherever my heart lead me. It was peaceful.  My passion eventually broadened into doing portraits for friends in the early 2000's and then eventually my first paid wedding gig in 2006! Fast forward some several years later when I had my first child and my love for portrait photography grew exponentially.  Over the last 11 years I have grown to love and appreciate the art of photography and its value when it comes to preserving memories that people can cherish for a lifetime.

Random facts:

I love coffee! I drink way too much of it, but I like to think its a balance. Like if I don't drink it...I'll go insane. B-A-L-A-N-C-E.

I wanted to be an animal health tech originally and even worked at the Edmonton Humane Society where I fostered and adopted many animals.

I am a cancer survivor.

I love to laugh and joke. As a teen I thought I'd go on to write sketch comedy with my best friend.

I love zombies. Its the only horror genre that actually makes my brain think that its plausible. (haha)

I love old Hollywood films. Fred and Ginger are my jam.

I have probably watched The Office more times then I care to admit! 

My Family

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